Celebration of Ignorance | Synthetic Opinion

This opinion is a bit of a rant :) Proceed with caution.

There is a celebration of the "I don’t know and I don’t care" line of thought on this planet. And I don’t mean things like sports or the weather or even big brother results, those things stop being relevant in a few weeks. What I do mean are subjects that mater, subjects that are relevant to our knowledge of the universe and our evolution as a species. That is a serious issue.

When someone is alienated for knowing science related things or complicated matters and is put aside by his own society, there is a problem, and I don’t mean the new “nerd is cool” movement of today. I mean people that like physics and dinosaurs, these people are ridiculed on the basis of their passions and not their actions. When someone is praiseworthy for smoking when someone else is mocked by doing anything art related, crochet for example, that’s wrong. A great many things are to blame but media has a big part, when a serial killer gets more media coverage than the first legal cyborg (go look it up) it’s just ludicrous. It influences everyone especially the younger generations, by telling that bad things get more attention, more people are going to do bad things.

How to counter that? Not a simple thing, but an idea is to influence the younger to channel those urges to deviate from a decent path, into interesting projects, so many talented people are lost because of their bad surroundings, and above all, Bad Teachers! Oh my good Zeus, bad teachers crush young souls and rip every bit of wonder of the world by telling to “think about the real world” and “life is hard if you go that way, look at this instead” or even “you will never get work if you do this or that”, this way of teaching of the industrial revolution era is highly inconvenient in today’s world, this shaping of mind to either zeros or ones is unnecessary and backward.

We need innovation and free thought, philosophers and artists, not this emulation of one another, of bad behavior and glorification of stupid ideas you get, well, everywhere really, but especially on reality TV shows. Everyone is unique and has unique ideas, don’t be afraid to tell what you think for fear of what others will think of you. The sooner you get rid of that kind of people of your life the better, even if you end up alone with no one by your side because of the way you perceive the world, good! You are one step closer to be yourself and not another copy and paste of the low quality populace.

Concerning TV, it's no secret for those very few who know me, but I don’t watch TV, I just don’t, there isn't anything really worth watching on TV that you can’t watch on the interwebs, when you want. The when, for me, is a big thing. The thought of being told what to watch and when is troubling for me, even if it is a documentary, a good one, it’s not advised to learn what others want you to learn. You have a brain use it.

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