Notes on culture hierarchies - Thursday 13 November

High forms of art (at least usually considered as such)
Renaissance art
Classical music

Usually acceded by the upper classes, mainly because of the money it involves, it's exclusionary.

The reverse is

Pop Culture

Accessible to everyone, relatable.

Then again, something like opera was originally pop culture, it's only with time that it became high culture. Who knows what will become high culture in the future?


Consumer culture

You can't escape it, all is controlled from packaging to simple things such as an apple. Even if you live without consuming anything from the big business, you are being defined by it nonetheless.



Metalheads are lovely people :)

Groups tend to come and go with more or less impact, they morph and change. And culture is formed inside them, example is metal music is pretty much only listened by metalheads.


Cultural text

Is not a text necessarily, the simple fact of choosing a pair of pants in the morning instead of a skirt is considered a cultural text. Everything society makes is a cultural text.

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